Data & Insights

From Insight to Impact

From connected data sources, to AI tools, we can very quickly access relevant and timely reports. But reports are only helpful if we take the time to understand and take action.

Digging for Gold 

In the age of endless data, leaders seek insight-driven strategies to make informed decisions. However, we first need to create environments that enable our teams to be insight-led.

Data Governance: Cultural Insights and Practical Tips

Data governance is a topic that can make even the most bright-eyed individual immediately glaze over—but it is essential!

Your data is talking: are you listening?

Drive effectiveness and maximise impact with a clear and intentional strategic plan, shaped by relevant data-driven insights.

All Data and No Insight

Cutting through today's data noise to find meaningful insights has become one of our greatest challenges. Here's how:

How to archive your Google Analytics 3 data

I've spent some time enhancing the Google-provided spreadsheet to pull down a lot of the most important data from GA3.

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