I find this baffling–are you not significant enough to stand on your own feet? Or are you (or your agency) just too lazy to come up with your own brand messages, so you resort to leeching off Uber?
This is also common in the Not-For-Profit world where people describe their organisation as “we’re like [INSERT WELL KNOWN NFP].”
At best you’re cementing your competitor as the industry leader–which is great for them, not so great for you. At worst you’re planting the idea that perhaps your organisation is obsolete–why do you need to exist if they’re already doing the job?
Chances are you’re actually not exactly like that organisation and you bring a huge amount of unique value to the world. You’re just underselling yourself.
If you have caught yourself saying this in the past, I have a simple, yet profound, activity for you and your team.
- Grab a stash of Sharpies and Post-It notes, take time as a team and ask “what gap would be left if we were to shut our doors today?” This can provide valuable insight into what makes you unique and will help inform your value proposition.
- Write down everything that comes to mind, no need to be eloquent at this point. Then group like answers together. Give each group a title, a couple of words that describe the point of difference.
- Clarify and articulate your value in a way that will resonate with your target audience
Then go carve out your unique place in the hearts and minds of your unique audience, and leave your competitor to promote themselves.