A new future for Beech Agency

We’re making some significant shifts over here at Beech Agency. After 10 years of serving a wide array of clients, we are thrilled to announce that Beech Agency is formalising our niche to exclusively serve Not-For-Profit and For-Purpose organisations.
Now, this won’t come as a surprise to many of you as this has been the core of our work since day one, with well over half of our client base sitting in the NFP space.
So why bother changing, I hear you ask?
This is a very good question, one that Aemon and I have wrestled with – for years. On one hand, working alongside a wide variety of clients keeps you sharp. You have the opportunity to learn from the way different companies and industries operate. You keep the horizon wide and the diversity rich. I have always thrived on the challenge of concurrently writing brand strategies for vastly different offerings.
But then on the other hand, tailoring our services to the very unique needs of those leading and operating NFP & For-Purpose organisations enables us to go deeper and provide an even better, more insight-driven service. One that significantly moves the needle for our clients.
I am deeply and genuinely passionate about helping the world. I have seen injustice first-hand, I have sat and looked into the eyes of people facing a level of need that I do not experience in my life merely because of the family and location I was born into. This injustice simultaneously lights a fire in me and brings me to tears.
While I’ve travelled fairly extensively over the years, one moment stands out as pivotal in shaping me as a person. As an 18 year old, I spent time in Uganda with my grandmother who was supporting local leaders to initiate a number of development projects. There I met another 18 year old girl. Both her parents had died from AIDS, leaving her to raise her two younger brothers. As I sat in her tiny, two room home, the injustice weighed heavily on me. Here I was, off on a world adventure, able to choose what my future would look like when I arrived home, barely giving a thought to the needs of my two younger brothers. I was privileged with a level of choice, opportunity and freedom that this girl did not have.
I think of this girl often. It drives me to make sure her story (and the stories of the millions like hers) is told in a way that honours her and brings genuine and positive change. I was not given the skills or abilities to meet practical needs like medicine or education, but I can help organisations to build their brand, tell their stories and fundraise in a way that enables those on the ground helping people and the planet to not be limited by funding.
Over the 10 years of Beech, and the 10 years of my career before that, I – along with Aemon and our team – have been privileged to gain insight into the needs and challenges faced by leaders and teams in the Purpose space. Having worked both in-house and agency-side, we bring a level of expertise and understanding that not many agencies can offer. We offer support and solutions that genuinely help those we work with to drive their organisations forward.
So the question became, who am I to say no?
So here we are today going head first into providing strategic and creative support to Not-For-Profit and For-Purpose organisations. We are positioned to equip organisations to lay solid foundations and execute across brand, web and campaigns to maximise their impact.
For the children, the women, the families, the animals, the arts, the environment, the planet, the people, the future. We are committed to playing our part to change the world – Because the world is worth helping.
So we invite you to come on the journey with us. To work together to transform the way organisations communicate their work and interact with their various audiences, to maximise your impact and enable change.
P.S. We have another offering for our other clients in the works but more to come on that soon, today is Beech’s moment in the spotlight.